My passion is to learn more about dogs and to share that information with others.
Youtube Channel: ImpulseNotion
Everything I know about love I learned from my dogs.
I started Impulse Notion in 2016 after the death of my Pomeranian nephew, Honey. He reminded me that life is short and we should pursue our dreams. I love to see dogs happy. Whether it is through taking care of them better, dressing them in the sweetest outfits so they will get showered with more attention, or looking out for their well-being. Their gentle eyes make the hard times better, their smiles tug at our heart strings, and their sweet presence calms us. The best way I can contribute to helping them is through information and support.

Honey the love bug.
Name: Honey
Likes: Food, walks, belly rubs, giving kisses, getting showered with attention, the ladies
Breed: Pomeranian
Personality: Fun-loving, laid back, a playboy, and a snuggler
Favorite phrases: “Want to go for a walk?”, “Want to go for a ride in the car?”,”You’re so cute!”, “Treat?”, “Kiss?”
Favorite lines (if he could talk): “Rub my belly?”, “Don’t you just adore me?”
My other nephew, Sunny, is a bit of a grump, but he’s our grump. He is happiest when he is napping. He always has a tail or his back legs poking out from under the covers. When he is especially comfy, he rolls onto his back and we wonder what sweet dreams are playing in his head.

Sleeping beauty.
Name: Sunny
Likes: Naps, food, naps, bundling under the covers, more naps, butt scratches, behind the ear scratches, petting in general until he says, “That’s enough,” and walks away
Breed: Short-haired chihuahua
Personality: Like a cat
Favorite phrases: “Want to go to the backyard?”
Favorite lines (if he could talk): “Leave me a lone! No, wait … keep rubbing my belly”, Probably anything grumpy cat would say
As for what Honey has taught me, I am still learning. It is true, dogs are never gone, they are only sleeping in our hearts.
Youtube ~ videos posted twice a month.
Blog posts ~ whimsical.